10.''Learn to love without condition,Talk without bad intention,Give without any reasons,and most of all,care for people without any expectation''

9.''when you wait for someone for a few minutes its your''NEED''   For a few    hour, its your'' TRUST'' For few weeks' its your ''FRIENDSHIP''but when you  wait even though you know they won't come its''TRUE LOVE''


8.''waiting is a sign of true love and patience. anyone can say I LOVE U,but not everyone can wait and prove it's TRUE'' 


7.''Don't force them to love you.force them to leave you and whoever insists to    stay is the one who truly loves you.''

6.''love is not about how many days,months,or years you've been together.
  LOVE is about how much you love each other every day''

5.''In life,you will realize there is a role for everyone you meet.Some will test you  some will love you,and some will teach you.
 But the ones who are truly important are the ones who bring out the best out the  best in you.they are rare and amazing people who remind you why it's worth it. ''

4.''love is not what the mind think but what the heart wants''

3.''if your with me,i need no words...
 l like the silence between us....
 becoz,in your presence,even the silence speaks a lot''

2.''Love is when the other person's important than your own''

1,''let me love if not for the rest of your life than for the rest of mine''

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