Top ten romantic movies

Romance is one of the most beloved category in movies for Centuries. Valentines day is waiting on the door step and here are our top ten picks for you. So grab your valentine and make sure you watch these......

10. Leap year.

 A light hearted Rom- comedy with a good cast including Amy Addams and Matthew goode.It gives a message that love comes unexpected . a message that all Rom coms try to convey :) . But this one is one of the better ones.

 9.My sassy girl.

 An English adaptation from a classic Korean movie . Even though the original Version is preferred,not everyone enjoys Korean movies. The movie is a light hearted comedy movie. A sweet Midwestern guy with his life planned out for himself is wooed, groomed, and ultimately dumped by a complicated, elusive gal .

 8.Silver lining playbook.

An award winning movie and has Bradley cooper and Jennifer lawrence as the lead cast. what else do you need from a movie.The movie is a take on a mans life who is lost and how he gets back to his life with a little help. Jennifer lawrence gives a strong performance which earned her an Oscar. 

 7.10 things i hate about you.

 1999 romantic comedy about teenagers life ( the complicated ones ).Heath ledger and julia stiles handle the main roles. The supporting cast includes joseph gordon levitt and larisa oleynik.
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